
The Pros and Cons of Wine

Occasionally, your local nightly news will tell you something new that was discovered about a food. Be it wine, coffee or another fad diet, there never seems to be a consensus on whether or not you should consume something.

We’re always trying to help you improve your health (and your health insurance). Today we would like to explore the pros and cons discovered about one of America’s favorite drinks – wine. It’s a favorite around the dinner table for some and it has been proven to have both positive and negative effects. Here are some of its traits explained:

The Good

Wine is good for Eyes – According to a study by Reykjavik Eye Study, drinking moderate amounts of red wine can help to slow the development of cataracts.

Wine Improves Brain Function – Red wines, which contain resveratrol, may be able to shield brains from damage in stroke sufferers, according to a study from Johns Hopkins.

Wine Helps the Blood and Heart – Wine has been shown to increase “good” cholesterol levels when paired with regular physical activity.

Wine has Anti-Aging Properties – In a recent interview by NPR, David Sinclair (a Harvard Med School Professor) discussed the properties in resveratrol that could help to develop anti-aging medication in the future.

Wine Kills Bacteria – Drinking a glass of wine with dinner could help to kill bacteria that would otherwise cause illnesses like food poisoning.

The Bad

Wine can Decrease Fertility – Women that drink less than five units of wine in a week are twice as likely to get pregnant that those women drinking over 10 units of wine in a week.

Wine Causes Damage in Pregnancy – As a fetus develops in the womb, it is important for mothers to limit their alcohol consumption. Medical professionals are split as to whether occasional alcohol consumption is okay, but all agree that drinking too much can cause the baby to lose critical neurons.

Wine is Toxic to Nursing Babies – Any alcohol that is consumed and enters into your bloodstream will also be present in breast milk. This alcohol can slow a baby’s development.

Wine Triggers Acne – In some people, a single alcoholic drink can cause an acne breakout, while some won’t show any blemishes. Most people fall somewhere in between and will break out if too much alcohol is consumed.

Wine is a Depressant – While it’s true that moderate amounts of wine can help stave off depression, drinking excess amounts can reverse those effects, making depression more likely.

Wine can Cause Weight Gain – When alcohol is processed through your liver, it creates Acetate, which can reduce your body’s fat-burning capabilities. Drinking alcohol can also increase your appetite. These two effects together aren’t a good combination if you’re trying to lose weight.

The Conclusion

If you want to reap the benefits of wine, the key is moderation. A serving of wine is five ounces, which makes a moderate glass of red wine about two servings. Don’t go overboard or you may start to experience some of the bad side effects of this drink.

Also remember to never drink and drive. Enjoy a glass of wine in your own home or assign a designated driver in your party. Also call R.C. Keller & Company at 847-907-4520 to check your auto insurance policy and make sure that you have enough coverage to protect you in case you are ever hit by a drunk driver.

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